Two Chicks With A Side Hustle

The Essentials to Work From Home at Peak Productivity

For a comfortable and effective home office, you’ll need a couple of work-from-home office essentials. From ergonomic chairs to tiny paperclips, everything in your home office setup should have a purpose.


Your desk must comfortably hold all your work stuff, including a computer and office supplies.

Consider these five factors when shopping for an office desk:

1. Available space

2. Adjustability

3. Storage

4. Quality

5. Surface area


Stop if this sounds familiar – you’re slumped over at your desk, neck craned over, and what was previously an annoying ache in your lower back has turned into something that’s affecting your work and wellbeing. Walking around and stretching only provides temporary relief.

Consider these ten factors when shopping for the office chair:

1. Adjustable Seat Height

2. Lumbar Support

3. Width and Depth of The Seat

4. Material

5. Adjustable Backrest

6. Armrest

7. Easy Adjustment Control

8. Propel Wheel

9. Swivel

10. Price


Probably the most important piece of equipment you’ll need is a computer. Unless the company you’re working with provides a system for you, you should keep in mind the computer specs you’ll need to meet your specific job requirements.

For example, if your company requires remote workers to use a Windows computer but you go out and buy a Mac, you may find you can’t function the way you need to.

High-Speed Internet

You may not think of high-speed internet as an equipment requirement, but it is. You’ll need to have a modem and a router (or a device that combines both) that meet the specifications laid out by your company.

Some companies prefer that home-based employees have hard-wired internet. That requires very different equipment than wireless internet. Take your time to research and choose the very best internet service provider in your area so you aren’t dropping off during video calls or losing connections at critical moments.


Chances are very good that you’re going to have one of two circumstances arise that create the need for a good headset, with a microphone. You’re going to need to make and receive calls, whether on the phone or through an internet communication service. You might also find yourself in a situation where you need to block out the world. That’s why investing in a good noise-canceling headset is essential to getting your work done. Bluetooth headsets are very easy to set up, so don’t let that keep you from trying it out.


Some computers don’t have built-in webcams or you may have a webcam that doesn’t work. Either way, you can purchase an external webcam that plugs into a USB port on your computer.

There are a few important features to look for in a webcam and they run the gamut of price ranges. In most cases, a middle-of-the-road webcam will do all you need it to do, unless there is an overarching reason you would need to connect in HD.


Peripherals are sometimes hard to decide on, but if you’re in the market to expand your setup’s capabilities, a wireless keyboard and mouse are a good investment. These allow more freedom of movement and are often far more convenient to use than their wired counterparts. Just keep in mind that the wireless variety uses batteries, which you should dispose of properly.

In addition, there are a few other peripherals that may be useful as you try to carry out your typical workday:

  • A battery backup unit so you can keep working during a power outage.
  • A USB hub to help manage all the various devices you’re using with your computer. Here are our recommendations for the best USB hubs.
  • An external hard drive provides plenty of storage for all your work.
  • A flash drive for portable storage if you move between your home office and a more traditional work location.
  • A second monitor will help you gain up to 50% more productivity.